Hi! Im Achokarlos from Cartagena, Spain and this is my music space to share my compositions with you all! I started to play guitar in June 2000 with a cheap Samick Strato. After that, I have been practicing every single day, learning as self taught player and getting better gear. For now, this is my solo project called Achokarlos, in wich I record, edit and mix my own songs. In early summer 2007 I released my 1st demo called "Burning Strings". After that I have recorded some songs for a posible next cd that finally became into my ultimate debut Album called "Parametric Milk" which came out in february 2008, as a free download record. In summer 2009 I have released a new album called "Forget all you know" with more crazy riffs, more fussion passages, more progressive rock, more polyrithmic stuff and more non-stop metal! "Forget all you know" is also a free download album.