Ruby Philogene
Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Sir Thomas Allen&Krysia Osostowicz&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 4. O Sanctissima
Carl Davis&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&The King's Division Normandy Band&Leo Délibes - Flower Duet
Ruby Philogene - II. Ta cern cignka (tenor)
Ruby Philogene - I. Potkal jsem cignku (tenor)
Ruby Philogene - IV. Uz mlad vlastuvky
Ruby Philogene - XIV. Sluncko se zdvih (tenor)
Ken Burton&Ruby Philogene&Julius Drake&London Adventist Chorale - Steal Away
Ruby Philogene - XXI. Muj drah tatcku (tenor)
Ruby Philogene - XVII. Co komu szeno (tenor)
Ruby Philogene - XVIII. Nedbm j vcil o nic (tenor)
Ruby Philogene - XVI. Co jsem to udelal (tenor)
Ruby Philogene - XIX. Let straka let (tenor)
Ian Bostridge&Ruby Philogene&Thomas Adès - V. Tezko sa mi ore (tenor) (Ploughing is heavy work)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Susan Roberts&Ruby Philogene&Glenn Siebert - Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene One, "Siehe, wir preisen selig, die erduldet" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Susan Roberts&Ruby Philogene&Glenn Siebert - Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Five, "Und nannten Barnabas Jupiter, und Paulus Mercurius" (Recitative)
Ruby Philogene&John Mark Ainsley&London Symphony Orchestra&Sir Colin Davis - "Fair love, you faint with wand'ring in the wood"
Ruby Philogene&John Mark Ainsley&London Symphony Orchestra&Sir Colin Davis - "How now my love?"
Carl Davis&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir&Leo Délibes - 'Flower Duet'
Carl Davis&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Leo Délibes - 'Flower Duet'
Ruby Philogene - Honor, Honor
Carl Davis&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&The King's Division Normandy Band&Leo Délibes - Dôme épais le jasmin "Flower Duet"
Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Susan Roberts&Ruby Philogene&Glenn Siebert - Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Three, Appendix, "Danket dem Gott", "Danket dem Herrn, dem freundlichen Gott" (Recitative, Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Susan Roberts&Ruby Philogene&Glenn Siebert - Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Seven, "Schone doch deiner selbst!" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Susan Roberts&Ruby Philogene&Glenn Siebert - Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part One, Scene Two, "O welch wine Tiefe" (Chorus)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Susan Roberts&Ruby Philogene&Glenn Siebert - Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Four, "Ist das nicht, der zu Jerusalem", "O Jesu Christe wahres Licht" (Chorus, Choral)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Susan Roberts&Ruby Philogene&Glenn Siebert - Paulus, Op. 36 Oratorio: Part Two, Scene Four, "Denn also hat uns der Herr geboten" (Duet)
Sir Colin Davis&London Symphony Orchestra&John Mark Ainsley&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Paul Whelan - "Stay, though thou kill me, sweet Demetrius"
Carl Davis&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&The King's Division Normandy Band&Leo Délibes - Dôme épais le jasmin "Flower Duet"
Carl Davis&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene - Lakme: Flower Duet
Ruby Philogene - Couldn't hear nobody pray
Ruby Philogene - Walk with me
Ruby Philogene - Good News
Ruby Philogene - De gospel Train
Ken Burton&Ruby Philogene&Julius Drake&London Adventist Chorale - By and by
Ruby Philogene - Let my people go
Carl Davis&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Léo Delibes - Lakmé: 'Flower Duet'
Ruby Philogene - No. 20, Con moto "Mam ja panenku"
Ruby Philogene - No. 13, Andante "Intermezzo erotico"
Ruby Philogene - No. 15, Allegro "Moji sivi volci"
Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Timothy Robinson&Sir Thomas Allen&Ursula Smith&Krysia Osostowicz&Malcolm Martineau - No. 19 O Swiftly Glides the Bonny Boat
Ruby Philogene&Sir Thomas Allen&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - No. 20 Faithfu' Johnie
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - No.4 Since greybeards inform us that youth will decay (T. Toms)
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - No.2 No riches from his scanty store (H.M. Williams)
Ruby Philogene&Christopher Maltman&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 5. I Dream'd I Lay Where Flow'rs Were Springing
Ruby Philogene&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - No.7 O soothe me, my lyre (W. Smyth)
Ruby Philogene&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - No.15 'Tis but in vain, for nothing thrives (W. Smyth)
Ruby Philogene&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - No.11 When far from the Home (D. Thomson)
Ruby Philogene&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - No.14 Paddy O'Rafferty (A. Boswell)
Ruby Philogene&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - No.17 Come, Darby dear (W. Smyth)
Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Krysia Osostowicz&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154 - No.1 The Elfin Fairies (D. Thomson)
Ann Murray&Ruby Philogene&Sir Thomas Allen&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 3. Charlie is My Darling
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155 - No.15 When mortals all to rest retire (W. Smyth)
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155 - No.7 Oh let the night my blushes hide (W. Smyth)
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155 - No.13 Helpless Woman (R. Burns)
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155 - No.16 The Damsels of Cardigan (W. Jones)
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155 - No.23 The old strain (W. Smyth)
Ruby Philogene&Marieke Blankestijn&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155 - No.24 Three hundred pounds (R. Litwyl)
Felicity Lott&Ruby Philogene&Sir Thomas Allen&Elizabeth Layton&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 12 Scottish Songs WoO 156 - 3. Up! quit thy bower (J. Baillie)
Catrin Wyn Davies&Sir Thomas Allen&Ruby Philogene&Malcolm Martineau - 4. Bonnie Wee Thing
Ruby Philogene&Sir Thomas Allen&Krysia Osostowicz&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 16. Schöne Minka, ich muß scheiden
Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Krysia Osostowicz&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 23 Songs of various Nationalities, WoO 158a - 18. An ä Bergli bin i gesässe
Sir Thomas Allen&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Timothy Robinson&Krysia Osostowicz&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 1. Ridder Stigs Runer
Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&Krysia Osostowicz&Ursula Smith&Malcolm Martineau - 23 Songs of various Nationalities, WoO 158a - 20. Como la mariposa soy
Carl Davis&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene - 'Flower Duet'
Carl Davis&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene&The King's Division Normandy Band&Leo Délibes - Dôme épais le jasmin "Flower Duet"
Carl Davis&Janice Watson&Ruby Philogene - Dôme épais le jasmin "Flower Duet"
Carl Ferguson&Paul Whelan&Ruby Philogene&Brian Asawa&London Symphony Orchestra&Sir Colin Davis - "How now, mad spirit?"
Ruby Philogene&Janice Watson&London Symphony Orchestra&Sir Colin Davis - "Puppet? Why so?"