Janie Fricke资料,Janie Fricke最新歌曲,Janie FrickeMV视频,Janie Fricke音乐专辑,Janie Fricke好听的歌

Janie Fricke

Janie Fricke was one ofthe most popular female countrysingers ofthe'80s, racking up an enviable string of hits and proving herself aversatile vocalist with a flair for ballads. Fricke had a high, clear voicethat showed surprising strength and dramatic power, and she enjoyedsuccess as a duet partner with Charlie Rich, Merle Haggard, andJohnny Duncan as well as her own long run of singles. Though her mostpopular songs were rooted in country, she also had a gift for popsongs, and she could incorporate adult contemporary sounds into herrecordings and still let her personality shine. The definitive overview ofFricke's career can be heard on 2019's lt Ain't Easy: The Complete Hits,1981'sI Need Someone to Hold Me When l Cry was one of thestrongest of her '8Os albums, and 2004's The Bluegrass Sessions was alively acoustic session.

