艺人名:余孟霏 FEI 身份:独立唱作人 作词 作曲 制作人 性别:女 余孟霏FEI 音乐制作人 独立唱作人 singer song-writer and producer 从R&B ,Hip-Hop,Neo Soul ,Electronic,Future Bass,Jazz,Indie Pop,C-Pop等音乐类型中摄取营养,随性的情绪融合,再搭配FEI独特的慵懒沙嗓,创造出属她的霏典型音乐气质.不受风格限制,只为记录灵感 表达呈现 Taking influences from R&B, Hip-Hop, Neo Soul, Electronic, Future Bass, Jazz, Indie Pop ,C-Pop, Blend them from different genres by emotions, With her unique lazy husky voice to create her own atypical musical temperament. Not limited by genre, Only to record inspiration, expression and presentation