elizabeth futral
Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Scene 2: "Hiyah, sweetheart" (Stanley, Stella)
Renée Fleming&André Previn&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&elizabeth futral - "Hmmm..." / "Stella? Stella?" (Stella, Blanche)
Renée Fleming&elizabeth futral&Rod Gilfry&Matthew Lord&Anthony Dean Griffey&Judith Forst&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - "Stella!" / "Stanley, that's my... What are you doing" (Blanche, Stella, Stanley, Steve, Mitch, Eunice)
elizabeth futral&Steven White&Philharmonia Orchestra&Dean Robinson&Geoffrey Mitchell Choir - Ah! - Listen all to my daughter - The silver moon was shining (Lakme, Nilakantha, Chorus) "Scene and Legend of the Pariah's Daughter"
Anthony Dean Griffey&Rod Gilfry&Matthew Lord&elizabeth futral&Renée Fleming&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Scene 3: "Well, I ought to be getting home" (Mitch, Stanley, Steve, Stella, Blanche)
elizabeth futral - Arrière! Je réchauffe les bons
Thomas Hampson&London Sinfonietta&John McGlinn&elizabeth futral&Jerry Hadley - Maxwell Anderson)
Renée Fleming&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - What time is it? (Blanche, Stanley, Stella)
Judith Forst&Rod Gilfry&Renée Fleming&elizabeth futral&Lynne Soffer&Anthony Dean Griffey&Matthew Lord&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - That must be them (Eunice, Stanley, Blanche, Stella, Nurse, Mitch, Steve)
Renée Fleming&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - "Blanche!" / "Stella! Oh Stella!" (Stella, Blanche)
Rod Gilfry&Renée Fleming&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Scene 1: "Say, Blanche... Do you happen to know" (Stanley, Blanche, Stella)
Renée Fleming&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - You left! I stayed and I struggled! (Blanche, Stella)
Renée Fleming&Anthony Dean Griffey&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&Matthew Lord&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Yes? Oh, hello (Blanche, Mitch, Stanley, Stella, Steve)
Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Stell, it's gonna be all right (Stanley, Stella)
Renée Fleming&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Here! There are thousands of papers (Blanche, Stanley, Stella)
Matthew Lord&Rod Gilfry&Anthony Dean Griffey&Judith Forst&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Scene 4: "Damn your luck" (Steve, Stanley, Mitch, Eunice, Stella)
Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Me and you when we first met (Stanley, Stella)
Renée Fleming&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Hello Stanley. Do you mind? (Blanche, Stanley, Stella)
Renée Fleming&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - "Yes... Don't light these pretty, pretty little "Yes...
Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Let me enlighten you on a point or two (Stanley, Stella)
Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&Renée Fleming&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - You should just know the line (Stanley, Stella, Blanche)
elizabeth futral&Judith Malafronte&Frederick Urrey&Wilbur Pauley&Richard Westenburg&Thomas Tallis - Spem in alium
Renée Fleming&elizabeth futral&Judith Forst&Rod Gilfry&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - I'll wear the cool yellow silk (Blanche, Stella, Eunice, Stanley)
Renée Fleming&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Scene 1: (Humming) / "What's all this for?" (Blanche, Stanley, Stella)
Renée Fleming&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - I... I... I... took the blows on my face (Blanche, Stella)
elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - I can hardly stand it (Stella)
elizabeth futral&Judith Malafronte&Frederick Urrey&Wilbur Pauley&Richard Westenburg&Heinrich Schütz - Selig sind die Toten
Renée Fleming&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - You must be Stanley. I'm Blanche (Blanche, Stanley, Stella)
Renée Fleming&Rod Gilfry&elizabeth futral&San Francisco Opera Orchestra&André Previn - Stanley, tell us a joke (Blanche, Stanley, Stella)
rinat shaham&elizabeth futral&pamela helen stephen&London Symphony Orchestra&André Previn - Ravel: L'Enfant et les sortilèges, M.71 / Deuxième partie - Où es-tu? Je te cherche ...
Robert Orth&Meredith Arwady&Alicia Gianni&Rebekah Camm&elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - Previn: Brief Encounter / Act 1 / Scene 1: The station refreshment room - "Hullo - Hullo - Hullo!" ... "Quite the stranger"
Rebekah Camm&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - Previn: Brief Encounter / Act 1 / Scene 2: A train compartment - "He was very nice-looking" ... "This pain can't last"
Kim Josephson&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Seven across"
elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - Previn: Brief Encounter / Act 1 / Scene 3: The Jessons' sitting room - "Fred, Fred - dear Fred" ... "Never forget"
Nathan Gunn&Patrick Summers&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Robert Orth&Meredith Arwady - Interlude ... "Please a glass of water" ..."Little bit of coal dust"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "It was a Thursday" ... "All my Thursdays were the same"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Good Morning" ... "Are you alone?"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - Interlude ... "We walked together up the river"
elizabeth futral&Adam Cioffari&Meredith Arwady&Alicia Gianni&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "We walked back to the station" ... "This marriage lark"
Nathan Gunn&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Doctors have dreams"
elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "I watched his train" ... "Imagine"
Kim Josephson&elizabeth futral&James J. Kee&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Is that you Laura?" ... "A warning"
elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "I sat in the café, waiting"
Nathan Gunn&Patrick Summers&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Robert Orth&Meredith Arwady - "My dear, my dear, I'm sorry" ... "Next Thursday?"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "The British have always been nice to mad people"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "When I was a child"
Kim Josephson&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Good evening, Mrs Jesson"
elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "This is the face of a woman who lies"
Nathan Gunn&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - Entr'acte ... "Five minutes"
Nathan Gunn&Patrick Summers&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Jamie Barton&Faith Sherman - "He took me to lunch"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "We stood on the bridge at Eden Lock"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "That's your train" ... "Come with me"
Adam Cioffari&Alicia Gianni&elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Hallo!" "This is the face of the woman I love"
Nathan Gunn&elizabeth futral&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Promise me, however unhappy your are"
elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Kim Josephson&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "A woman is sitting in a quiet room"
Robert Orth&Meredith Arwady&Rebekah Camm&elizabeth futral&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Aren't you going to offer me another cup of tea?" ... "Time and tide"
elizabeth futral&Kim Josephson&Nathan Gunn&Houston Grand Opera Orchestra&Patrick Summers - "Fred, Fred, oh, Fred" ... "To the end of my days"
Vladimir Ognev&Aled Hall&elizabeth futral&Patrizia Cigna - Act II: Eh bien! a ce joyeux repas (Peter, Danilowitz, Catherine, Ekimona, Nathaile)
Patrizia Cigna&Christopher Maltman&Vladimir Ognev&elizabeth futral - Act II: Eh bien? quel est ce bruit? (Ekimona, Gritzenko, Peter, Catherine, Danilowitz)
elizabeth futral&Aled Hall&Juan Diego Florez&Darina Takova - Act III: L'aurore enfin succede (Catherine, Chorus, A Workman, Danilowitz, George, Prascovia)
Aled Hall&Vladimir Ognev&Juan Diego Florez&elizabeth futral - Act I: Un bon soldat, plein d'ardeur et de coeur, "Polonaise" (Danilowitz, Peter, George, Catherine)
elizabeth futral&Wexford Festival Opera Chorus&Ireland National Symphony Orchestra&Vladimir Jurowski - Act I: Veille sur eux toujours, "Barcarolle" (Catherine, Chorus)
elizabeth futral&Christopher Maltman&Luis Ledesma&Robert Lee - Act II: Un instant! (Gritzenko, Chorus, Catherine, Yermolov, Ismilov)
elizabeth futral&Agnete Munk Rasmussen&Patrizia Cigna&Vladimir Ognev - Act II: Il s'eloigne enfin, tant mieux! (Catherine, Nathalie, Ekimona, Peter, Danilowitz)
elizabeth futral&William Hobbs - First Sonnet to Orpheus
elizabeth futral&Juan Diego Florez&Ireland National Symphony Orchestra&Vladimir Jurowski - Act I: Ecoutez! Ecoutez! (Catherine, George, Peter)
elizabeth futral&Vladimir Ognev&Ireland National Symphony Orchestra&Vladimir Jurowski - Act I: Ecoute Georges! (Catherine, Peter)
elizabeth futral&Christopher Maltman&Juan Diego Florez&Darina Takova - Act I: Arriere! et tremblez tous a ma voix! (Gritzenko, Chorus, Catherine, George, Prascovia, Peter)