

Color talented rookie! \r Hear again the voice of sweet that starts with 'yes men' phone (phone). \r \r The rookies are already under the chingryeok exceptional and has proven its ability in the major 'phone (phone) the the composer yihyeonseung dig heavyweights. \r \r K.Will 'the' write 'like now arranger composer jjangga (hyorin' I love you 'would Itomy) and lean back' 'back in time', the composer if Taeyeon's 'arrangement' of the phone It is a collaboration of Meng. \r \r The compelling voices of the phone (phone) and add, coupled aejeolham the lyrics expressed the pain of parting the one you can not breathe, '' I will not love again, but vowed. \r \r The active 1997 Be response Seo station and weather caster, Smoke, entertainment these days, most floating Hot bakeunji began shooting the music video support....
