

by Ed RivadaviaCentral New Jersey melodic hardcore mavens Nora came together in 1996 and soon released the Kill You for a Dollar EP and a split disc with the Dillinger Escape Plan through independent Ferret Records (owned by vocalist Carl Severson). In 1999, they signed with fanzine turned record label Trustkill and issued another EP, called Neverendingyoulie, before completing their full-length debut, Loser's Intuition, two years later. The lineup of Severson, Matt "Portland" Hay (guitar), Chris Byrnes (guitar) and Chris Ross (drums) welcomed new bassist Tim Cuccolo (ex-Ex Number Five) in summer 2002, replacing departed original member Spliedt; the band returned the next year withDreamers & Deadmen. Cuccolo later left and with Byrnes moving over to bass, second guitarist Steve "Steve Jeff" Chladnicek joined on in early 2004. The following year, Byrnes exited to go join Every Time I Die, and former Nora guitarist/Burnt by the Sun vocalist Mike Olender came back in his place. Nora finally entered the studio in early 2007 to begin recording their next album.

