Born in the bowels of Fort Worth Texas comes a new breed of rock n roll anthems!!! If a good time is what you are after, these are the guys to see!! A solid power house of ruthless no holds barred, shred your face off metal masterpiece!! Formed in late 2012 by members, Russell Eller (former Giant Dogs/User front man), former Within Chaos/drummer and guitarist Travis Denham and Wulf, bass ace Josh Weaver and guitar shredder Chad Hammonds, these guys pack a punch so to speak with their unique take on today's modern Rock/metal.. Mixing hints of old school thrash metal with modern day rock music, powered by catchy vocal patterns and tear your face off guitar leads, thunderous bass and mind melting drum action, these guys appeal to a large spectrum of listeners ranging from Slayer to Soundgarden!!Though the band is new to the scene the members in it are no strangers to sharing the stage with some of rock and metals most premiere acts such as Metallica, Metal church, Fear Factory, Mushroomhead, Kitty, Trivium, and Faster Pussycat just to name a few. Be on the look out for the much anticipated release of their debut album which will be coming out sometime this fall as well as local and regional shows in the near future. If you are into rock and or metal this is a band you won't want to miss!!!