Alex Young
网上有关这个歌手介绍很少。有点小甜甜的感觉。以下是来自她个人博客上的内容: 音乐一直是我生命的支柱。我认为这是什么激励和创造。什么一直是如此令人惊讶的是,我的音乐被普遍理解和认识,引起特定的情绪是大致相同的人是否生活在加纳,英国诺丁汉或地球上的任何地方。音乐方面发挥了重大作用在我的生活从一开始。 我记得音乐不断打在我的家里从幼年开始。我接触到了范围广泛的艺术家谁影响了我的生活和职业生涯。蓝调,爵士,波萨诺瓦,古典乐,和一切都有助于创造之间谁我作为一个艺术家的方向我想我的生活。艾瑞莎,辛纳杜拉,席琳,玛丽亚凯莉,惠特尼,戴安娜克劳,和萨德一直激励我,以及谁是新的艺术创作,和稀奇古怪的,他们的声音-像杰米Lidell ,石窟的古根海姆,剪刀女郎,尼克德雷克,和鲁弗斯温赖特…我想过去两年并不新,但仍有很大,听取并获得新的想法。 所有这些艺术家激励我创造性,而不仅仅是作为一个艺术家,而且我的生命一般。每当我唱歌或表演,我喜欢想,一点点的每一个令人振奋的声音。其中一个最激动人心的时刻,我作为一个艺术家的时候,在14日,大卫布罗迪和猫王杜兰第一次向我介绍了公众。他们打的是我的歌曲, Clear Channel的Z100电台节目连续两年,为纪念9月11日。 创造这首歌,心美,是我介绍了录音棚录音,虽然我的理解是,过程更享受现在的一切都关系到它,我认为自己更象是一个人表演。目前只是一些不良生活,不能再现或抓获这是如此令人着迷-和难以形容。您获得如此高的演出。我想这就是我最喜欢的。 如果我是来形容我的声音,我不得不说,这真是混合流行,嘻哈与R & B和正在演变成有点古怪和层次。这是另一件事我喜欢的音乐…它随时可以演变和采取新的形式。我真的十分激动的方向我的音乐走向,并希望不会停止演变成为一个艺术家。About Alex Young Music has always been the backbone of my life. I believe it is what inspires and creates. What has always been so amazing to me is that music is universally understood and recognized to evoke specific emotions which are virtually the same whether a person lives in Ghana, Nottingham or anywhere on the planet. Music has played a major role in my life from the beginning. I remember music constantly playing in my house from an early age. I was exposed to a wide-range of artists who have been influential in my life and career. Blues, Jazz, Bossa Nova, Classical, and everything in between have helped create who I am as an artist and the direction I want to take my life. Aretha, Sinatra, Celine, Mariah, Whitney, Diana Krall, and Sade have always inspired me as well as newer artists who are creative, and quirky, with their sounds -- like Jamie Lidell, the Guggenheim Grotto, Scissor Sisters, Nick Drake, and Rufus Wainwright... I guess the last two aren’t so new, but still great to listen to and get new ideas from. All of these artists inspire me creatively, not just as an artist, but also my life in general. Every time I am singing or performing, I enjoy thinking that a little bit of each of them is inspiring my sound. One of the most exciting moments for me as an artist was when, at 14, David Brody and Elvis Duran first introduced me to the public. They played one of my songs on Clear Channel’s Z100 radio show two years in a row, in commemoration of Sept. 11th. Creating that song, Heart of America, was my introduction to studio recording and, although I understand that process much better now and enjoy what goes into it, I think of myself more as a live performer. There’s just something about performing live that can’t be recreated or captured that’s so fascinating -- and indescribable. You get such a high from performing live. I think that’s what I love most about it. If I were to describe my sound, I’d have to say that it’s really a mixture of pop, hip-hop & R&B and is evolving into something a bit more quirky and layered. That’s another thing I love about music... it can always evolve and take on new forms. I’m really excited about the direction my music is heading and hope to never stop evolving as an artist.