MoZella拥有天生的创作才赋以及性感独特的嗓音,可以说是底特律自MaDonna之后最令人振奋的歌手。这名今年只有23岁的女歌手凭借她在音乐创作方面的野心和才华已彻底走入人们的视野。她的新专辑刚刚经由Maverick唱片公司发行,便被拿来与美国最著名的创作性女歌星Norah Jones和Lauryn Hill相比较。与其二者相比,MoZella的音乐涉及的领域更佳宽泛,音乐形式也更加多元化。在MoZella还是一名普通女孩的时候,著名音乐家Steive Wonder就已经成为其心目中的英雄。而她母亲也经常给她听Beatles的音乐。6岁时,MoZella就成为国际流行乐坛的大姐大麦当娜的忠实歌迷。14岁开始学习吉他。不久之后,在底特律的一些咖啡餐吧中便出现了一名抱着吉他弹唱原创歌曲的小姑娘。高中毕业后,为了在音乐之路上有更为广阔的发展,MoZella只身来到了Los Angelas。初来乍到的她就陷入了没有钱又没有朋友的艰难处境中。但很快她找到了一份工作,于是便开始白天上班,晚上在当地的酒吧继续她的音乐梦想。就这样,直到她遇见了著名的饶舌歌手Warren G,她终于得以录制了自己的第一张原创Demo并引起了一位英国唱片制作人的注意。他将MoZella邀请到其在伦敦的录音棚录制了效果和质量更佳的Demo。正是这张Demo使她的音乐得到了众多唱片公司的认可。Maverick唱片公司抢先与其签约。“他们能够保证我的一切音乐动机都可以变为现实”MoZella说。2004年初,由著名音乐制作人Jude Cole跨刀制作的MoZella的处女专辑面世,引起了美国唱片界的巨大反响。同时,专辑中的歌曲也被用作了世界汽车之王Mercedez-Benz的电视广告背景音乐。现在,MoZella已成为美国炙手可热的乐坛超新星,甚至被媒体称为麦当娜第二。纵观美国音乐界,能够获此殊荣的绝无第二。MoZella正在继续向自己的音乐王国迈进,让我们期待这个才华横溢的创作型女歌手有更加令人惊喜地表现吧! by David JeffriesDetroit native MoZella received plenty of television exposure before radio had even heard of her. Her coffeehouse blend of luxurious soul, alternative-leaning pop, and cool jazzy flavors won over the hearts of Mercedes-Benz's advertising division. In 2005, the car company used MoZella's sentimental "Amazed" for its ambitious "Framed Portraits" ad campaign, exposing millions of households to the 23-year-old's surprisingly mature songwriting. Because she had a crush on the teacher, MoZella began taking guitar lessons at the age of 14. The crush faded fast but not her love of music. Her parents had already introduced her to her number one favorite, the Beatles, along with Stevie Wonder and other Motown music. MoZella added her own love of Madonna to the mix, and within a year she found her own personal style from all these influences. It was then, at 15, that she started playing Detroit's coffeehouses. A few months after she graduated high school she moved to Los Angeles. Working days as a cake decorator and spending her nights performing, she eventually ran into Warren G. A brief apprenticeship with the rapper introduced MoZella to the studio and demo recording. Shopping her own demo to labels lead her to a false start in London, but then back to Los Angeles and the label her beloved Madonna had created, Maverick. In 2004, the label coupled her with songwriter/producer Jude Cole and work was begun on the debut. The car commercial came a year later and a month before Maverick released MoZella's self-titled, debut EP, followed finally in 2006 with her full-length debut, I Will.