Ida Maria
从两张single开始,来自挪威的Ida Maria完全就没有新团的羞涩,而是气势凶凶地架到,她就像是一个王后,带领着自己的奇妙军团杀入人心。Ida Maria的音乐是很单纯的东西,没有太多的修饰。Ida Maria做为一个新人,完全小看不得,她的声音吸取了太多的元素,大方,自信,快乐的让你欢呼,静止让你沉思,呼吸间都渗透着太多太多的感触,在Ida Maria的身上不难听到Bjork,Cat Power和Feist的感觉,Indie rock,Indie pop,一点点的Punk和Jazz的点缀,真是妙不可言! by Mark DemingAppearing seemingly out of nowhere with a batch of superb pop songs full of punk-infused energy and vocals chops that Björk or Polly Jane Harvey would envy, Ida Maria became a sensation in Sweden on the basis of a number of well-reviewed live shows and some truly impressive demos. Ida Maria Sivertsen was born and raised in Nesna, a small community in Norway with a population of less than 2,000. While Ida's parents encouraged her to learn the piano, she opted to take up the guitar instead, and taught herself well enough to play local concerts at the age of 14. When she was 16, Ida moved away from home and settled in Bergen, a city in southwest Norway (her parents rejected her original plan to move to South Africa), and she began working up songs with a handful of local musicians. However, Bergen's rainy climate didn't agree with her, so she moved on to Sweden, finding a handful of simpatico musicians in Stockholm. Teaming up with guitarist Stefan Tornby, bassist Johannes Lindberg, and drummer Olle Lundin, Ida Maria began making the rounds of Swedish rock clubs, and her wildly energetic tunes and witty lyrics quickly made her a local favorite.