Jens Buchert
德国著名DJ, 亦化名Amberland, Dakini Mandarava, Hydra, Larry Rhodan, Magec, Noah等发表作品.\r \r In the area of Downbeat, in the spheres of Ambient, Trip Hop and in the widths of Chillout and the realm of first class Lounge Sounds, Jens Buchert - the "Sound Wizard" is one of the most talented musicians in these genres.\r \r Meanwhile he's a Electronic Music veteran - "Electronic Deep Moods Music at its best" is his slogan. Check your local itunes store to get ALL his music !\r \r Since more than 20 years the musician, producer, videoartist and film scientist is involved in electronic deep moods music with his heart and soul.\r \r The radio station “Chillout2NewYork” called him the “Wizard of Sounds”, because of his well-known sound creations.\r \r He released albums and EPs like SUNRIDER, FRUIT MACHINE, AMBERLAND – TIME BEYOND, NOAH – CHARISMA, INTERSPHERE, CAFE DE LA MER, CAFE LAGOON, MY HEAVEN, FATA MORGANA, ELECTRONIC SPACE ODYSSEY, AEON IN MOTION, INTERSTELLAR, SHE, ELECTRONIC MOODS. He is represented on more than 300 famous music compilations. check: www.itunes.com/jensbuchert\r \r Meanwhile his music is heard worldwide – if it is in the boarding program of American Airlines, in TV-feature films, in videoclips at DeluxeTV, in the BR-Space Night show, in Internetradios like SomaFM, in documentary films, tv-spots and compilations from CAMPARI, PORSCHE, AUDI, FABERGÉ.\r \r Under his artist name Dakini Mandarava he has released several Yoga-, Meditation- and Relaxation music, used by YOGA-centers, QI GONG schools, spa's, meditation centers and pedagogical institutes. check: www.itunes.com/dakinimandarava\r \r enjoy listening.\r \r Genre: electronic music, downbeat, chillout, lounge, trip hop, ambient, relaxation, house, techhouse,\r Hometown: Stuttgart\r Record Label: jebu records\r General Manager: Jens Buchert\r Current Location: Alpha Centauri 3\r \r (官网资料 & Facebook)