Reginald Goodall
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Valerie Masterson&Shelagh Squires&Helen Attfield&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - What's that, you nixies…? (Alberich, Woglinde, Wellgunde, Flosshilde)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act I: Prelude
Louis Hendrikx&Dennis Wicks&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act I: He! Ho! Waldhuter ihr (Gurnemanz, Second Knight)
Amy Shuard&Donald McIntyre&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Ach! - Ach! Tiefe Nacht! (Kundry, Klingsor)
Donald McIntyre&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Ho! Ihr Wachter! Ho! Ritter! (Klingsor)
Jon Vickers&Amy Shuard&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Dies alles - hab' ich nun getraumt? (Parsifal, Kundry)
Amy Shuard&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Ich sah das Kind an seiner Mutter Brust (Kundry)
Jon Vickers&Amy Shuard&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Wehe! Wehe! Was tat ich? (Parsifal, Kundry)
Louis Hendrikx&Jon Vickers&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act I: Vom Bade kehrt der Konig heim (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act I: Verwandlungsmusik (Transformation Music)
Michael Langdon&Norman Bailey&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act I: Mein Sohn Amfortas, bist du am Amt? (Titurel, Amfortas)
The Royal Opera Chorus&Royal School of Church Music Choir&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act I: Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles (Chorus)
Donald McIntyre&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Prelude - Die Zeit ist da (Klingsor)
Jon Vickers&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Nur eine Waffe taugt (Parsifal)
The Royal Opera Chorus&Royal School of Church Music Choir&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Hochsten Heiles Wunder! (Chorus)
Jon Vickers&Amy Shuard&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Amfortas! Die Wunde! (Parsifal, Kundry)
Amy Shuard&Jon Vickers&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act II: Grausamer! Fuhlst du im Herzen (Kundry, Parsifal)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Prelude
Louis Hendrikx&Amy Shuard&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Von dort her kam das Stohnen (Gurnemanz, Kundry)
Louis Hendrikx&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Wer nahet dort dem heil'gen Quell (Gurnemanz)
Jon Vickers&Louis Hendrikx&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Heil mir, dass ich dich wiederfinde! (Parsifal, Gurnemanz)
Jon Vickers&Louis Hendrikx&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Zu ihm, des tiefe Klagen (Parsifal, Gurnemanz)
Louis Hendrikx&Jon Vickers&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: O Herr! War es ein Fluch, der dich vom rechten Pfad vertrieb (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
Louis Hendrikx&Jon Vickers&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Nicht so! - Die heil'ge Quelle selbst (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
Louis Hendrikx&Jon Vickers&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Gesegnet sei, du Reiner, durch das Reine! (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
Jon Vickers&Louis Hendrikx&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Wie dunkt mir doch die Aue (Parsifal, Gurnemanz)
Louis Hendrikx&Jon Vickers&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Du siehst, das ich nicht so (Gurnemanz, Parsifal)
Louis Hendrikx&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Mittag. - Die Stund' ist da (Gurnemanz) - Transformation Music
The Royal Opera Chorus&Royal School of Church Music Choir&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Reginald Goodall - Act III: Geleiten wir im bergenden Schrein (Chorus)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Katherine Pring&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Your luck, Wotan, what could surpass it? (Loge, Wotan, Fricka)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Norman Bailey&Lois McDonall&Katherine Pring&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - This bond is graved on my spear's strong shaft (Wotan, Freia, Fricka)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Orchestral prelude
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Clifford Grant&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Katherine Pring&Norman Welsby&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Far too loose you're piling the gold (Fafner, Loge, Wotan, Fricka, Donner)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Gregory Dempsey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Hehe! Hehe! Come here! Come here! (Alberich, Mime)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Norman Bailey&Emile Belcourt&Norman Welsby&Robert Ferguson&Katherine Pring&Clifford Grant&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - And I should possess it! (Wotan, Loge, Donner, Froh, Fricka, Fafner)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Ohe! Ohe! Terrible dragon (Loge, Wotan, Alberich)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Now swiftly up! - Orchestral Interlude (Loge)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Valerie Masterson&Shelagh Squires&Helen Attfield&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - The world's wealth can be mine…? (Alberich, Woglinde, Wellgunde, Flosshilde)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Robert Ferguson&Norman Welsby&Clifford Grant&Robert Lloyd&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - To me, Freia! Back from her, giant! (Froh, Donner, Fafner, Fasolt, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Gregory Dempsey&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - What help for me? (Mime, Loge, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Norman Welsby&Lois McDonall&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Hear, you giants! (Donner, Freia, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Gregory Dempsey&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Nibelheim here (Loge, Mime, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Katherine Pring&Norman Welsby&Robert Ferguson&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Over rock and stone they stride (Loge, Fricka Donner, Froh)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Clifford Grant&Norman Bailey&Robert Lloyd&Lois McDonall&Robert Ferguson&Norman Welsby&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Hear, Wotan, I'll speak my last word! (Fafner, Wotan, Fasolt, Freia, Froh, Donner)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Katherine Pring&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - A toy, while it was in the waters (Loge, Wotan, Fasolt, Fafner)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Robert Lloyd&Clifford Grant&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - So I promised I'd tell you the story (Loge, Wotan, Fasolt, Fafner)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - But one I found then (Loge)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Never one word of praise or thanks! (Loge)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Katherine Pring&Robert Ferguson&Norman Welsby&Clifford Grant&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - What? How am I concerned in a contract? (Loge, Wotan, Fricka, Froh, Donner, Fafner, Fasolt)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Robert Lloyd&Norman Bailey&Clifford Grant&Lois McDonall&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - God of light, light of spirit! (Fasolt, Wotan, Fafner, Freia)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Robert Lloyd&Norman Bailey&Clifford Grant&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Soft sleep closed your eyes (Fasolt, Wotan, Fafner)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Katherine Pring&Lois McDonall&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Then shelter her now (Fricka, Freia, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Katherine Pring&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - For I wished you faithful and true (Fricka, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Katherine Pring&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Wotan, my lord! Awaken! (Fricka, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Helen Attfield&Shelagh Squires&Valerie Masterson&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Still not afraid? - Orchestral Interlude (Alberich, Flosshilde, Wellgunde, Woglinde)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Valerie Masterson&Shelagh Squires&Helen Attfield&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Look, sisters! The sunlight is greeting the gold (Woglinde, Wellgunde, Flosshilde)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Valerie Masterson&Shelagh Squires&Helen Attfield&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - He, he! You nixies! (Alberich, Woglinde, Wellgunde, Flosshilde)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Valerie Masterson&Shelagh Squires&Helen Attfield&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Weia! Waga! Wandering waters (Woglinde, Wellgunde, Flosshilde)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Norman Bailey&Katherine Pring&Emile Belcourt&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Evening rays flood the sky with splendour (Wotan, Fricka, Loge)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Robert Ferguson&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - The bridge leads you homeward (Froh)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Anne Collins&Norman Bailey&Katherine Pring&Robert Ferguson&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Yield it, Wotan, yield it! (Erda's warning) (Erda, Wotan, Fricka, Froh)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Robert Lloyd&Clifford Grant&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Lois McDonall&Katherine Pring&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Freia, the fair one, see I no more (Fasolt, Fafner, Loge, Wotan, Freia, Fricka, Froh, Donner)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Robert Lloyd&Norman Bailey&Clifford Grant&Emile Belcourt&Robert Ferguson&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Wait! Don't touch her yet! (Fasolt, Wotan, Fafner, Loge, Froh)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Emile Belcourt&Norman Welsby&Katherine Pring&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Fasolt and Fafner come this way (Loge, Froh, Donner, Fricka)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - Am I now free? (Alberich's curse) (Alberich, Loge, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Emile Belcourt&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - The gold lies there. now let me go (Alberich, Loge, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Norman Bailey&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - And now the Niblungs will come to my call (Alberich, Wotan)
Reginald Goodall&English National Opera Orchestra&Derek Hammond-Stroud&Norman Bailey&Emile Belcourt&Wilhelm Richard Wagner&Andrew Porter - In the clouds, you great ones (Alberich, Wotan, Loge)