Pop Levi
POP LEVI(出生于伦敦)是英国歌手,会多种乐器,并且还是唱片制作兼电影制片人。他的职业生涯开始于利物浦,现长期居住在洛杉矶。他是Super Numeri 的创始成员,同时还有SNAP ANT和LOKA。并且作为贝斯手参与了Super Numeri 专辑的录制和巡回演出,也曾作为ladytron的吉他手做世界巡演。他被列为新世纪的Bob Dylan,是英国知名独立厂牌ninja tune旗下艺人。Pop Levi的音乐来自于以摇滚乐为基础的多层声音,绝妙的吉他、电音舞曲的节奏、强劲的贝斯、旋转的键盘……都在其中。有什么类型的音乐是他做不了的吗?看起来似乎没有。他2007年的专辑《The Return To Form Black Magick Party》除了以上描述的多类音乐,还有更多。by Tammy La GorcePop Levi is a dashing Brit with a compelling name; he's also the progenitor of a breed of music that swerves so quickly from pop to glam rock to freak folk, it's mostly unclassifiable. Levi, born in London to a Jewish doctor and a gentile nurse, began studying piano at age three. He joined a gospel choir at seven, started collecting records at nine, and wrote his first first song, "Through the Window of My Life," by the time he was 12. As a young multi-instrumentalist, Levi had scant luck breaking into the music business; after a move to Liverpool in 1997 that found him working as an ice cream van driver and hair model, he set up a commune with Snap Ant, Karl Webb, and a host of other artists. There, in a dilapidated Victorian house, he formed his first band, the post-rock group Super Numeri. That band's early recordings found their way to London in 2002, which led to a signing with Ninja Tune Recordings, also Super Numeri's label. Debut single "The Electric Horse Garden" spawned a buzz that helped subsequent album Great Aviaries and EP The Coastal Bird Scene infiltrate the English underground.Months after that first spike in name recognition, Danny Hunt of Ladytron asked Levi to join his band on bass guitar; Levi accepted and spent 2003 and 2004 touring. He also used the tour as an opportunity to write and record material for a planned LP, Foxwatch, to be released on Hunt's Invicta Hi-Fi label. Foxwatch was never completed, but it spawned the first official Pop Levi releases. "Rude Kinda Love" hit No. 25 on the U.K. indie chart, and the Christmas 2004 release "Reindeer in my Heart" reached U.S. airwaves. When Levi completed the tour with Ladytron, he elected to form his own band; back in Liverpool, he recruited backing players and started performing live -- dates throughout the West Coast were instrumental in launching his U.S. career. He recorded a second Super Numeri record with Ant and Webb and briefly rejoined Ladytron, but by October of 2005, when third single "Blue Honey" was released on Invecta Hi-Fi, he was committed to going solo. It didn't take Ninja Tune Recordings long to sign him for his first album -- The Return to Form Black Magick Party was conceived at the end of 2005, and on an imprint created solely for Levi, Counter Records. That album, recorded in an abandoned warehouse and the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, picked up elements of '60s rock, disco, and folk, and was presented in a sound-collage format -- more than a decade of home recordings dot the tracks. Levi moved to the U.S. with his band in 2006; they live in Los Angeles, in a white house built in 1897. The Return to Form Black Magick Party saw worldwide release in January of 2007.