Lil Tec
Hip-hop music, once a platform for creative expression, has sadly, become a popularity contest. With record sales down, rookies searching for that "one big hit" seem solely concerned with being deemed "cool." Lyrics have side-stepped, giving way to dance-instructing "rappers" more concerned with sparking the new dance craze rather than being hailed as an MC.\r \r On the outside looking in at such followers is Lil Tec. Rather than conform to music industry standards, Tec (born Christopher May) has trail-blazed his own path to underground success. Possessing head-spinning wordplay and a topical range more akin to the underground than the mainstream, veteran lyricist has proven that talent can still make waves in the rap game.\r \r As an artist coming out in the late 90’s Lil Tec got his first shot at stardom when he was featured on Gansta Pat’s hit Creep wit A Nigga and then on the follow up Lay Me Down in 1997. Since the release of this song he has gone on to be featured on 50 Mix tapes, put out two albums, and 7 Lil Tec Mixtapes. \r Now signed to Rock Solid Music T-Rock gave him a chance to be heard. Lil Tec is currently working on his third album titled Da Wait Iz Over. He is sure to turn heads and prove that he plans on being in the rap game for a long time to come.\r In hip-hop's contest of popularity, Lil Tec is the observer, a thinking man brave enough to dictate the acute thoughts that his peers ignore.