Rodin e on 02.11.1987 in the hail of Vratsa.\r \r Education: Teach e in SOU "Father Paisios" - Vratsa in muzikalna paralelka with the People Peene. Next prodlzhava goods obrazovanieto BBC in Akademiyata for muzikalno, tantsovo and izobrazitelno izkustvo - Plovdiv, kdeto successfully zaschitava bakalavrska degree in spetsialnostta People Peene. At the moment izuchava magistrska programa on Information and Communication Technologies in the SU "Kliment Ohridski".\r \r Muzikalna Careers: Nicola in semeystvoto and behold zanimava with Musica, but osche of pupillary si Godin cha e tvrdo decided to sing on ptya izplnitel professionals. Of the bevel on the Svir accordion and piano, and 17-godishna zapochva to Pee in various places on the Countryside for the kill Calligonum. COGAT pond parts of the directory on the muzikalna and produtsentska company Diapason Records, election for his artistic pseudonym istinskoto si ime - Veselin.