Nigel Smith
Bernard Deletré&Fabrice Di Falco&Nigel Smith&Véronique Gens - Act III Scene 12: Evvi donna più empia? (Pallante, Narciso) - Scene 13: Agrippina (Claudio, Pallante, Narciso) - Scene 14: Ah! Claudio (Agrippina, Narciso, Pallante, Claudio)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act III Scene 8: Io di Roma il Giove sono (Claudio)
Alain Buet&Ingrid Perruche&Nigel Smith&Philippe Jaroussky - Act III Scene 6: Qui non v'e alcun (Lesbo, Poppea, Claudio, Nerone, Ottone) - Scene 7: Temerario (Claudio, Nerone, Poppea, Ottone) - Scene 8: Ora, Claudio (Poppea, Claudip)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act II Scene 19: Basta sol che ti chieda (Claudio)
Nigel Smith&Véronique Gens&Alain Buet&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy - Act II Scene 18: A vagheggiar io vengo (Claudio, Agrippina) - Scene 19: Signor, Poppea … (Lesbo, Claudio, Agrippina)
Véronique Gens&Nigel Smith&Ingrid Perruche&Thierry Gregoire - Act II Scene 4: Signor, quanto il mio core (Agrippina, Claudio, Poppea, Ottone, Nerone, Narciso, Pallante)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act II Scene 4: Nella Britannia vinta (Claudio)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act II Scene 4: Cade il mondo soggiogato (Claudio)
Nigel Smith&Ingrid Perruche&Alain Buet&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy - Act I Scene 22: E quando mai i sensi (Claudio, Poppea, Lesbo)
Ingrid Perruche&Alain Buet&Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy - Act I Scene 21: Che mai faro? (Poppea) - Scene 22: Signor, Signor (Lesbo, Claudio, Poppea)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act I Scene 21: Vieni, o cara (Claudio)
Nigel Smith&Ingrid Perruche&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act I Scene 21: Il tuo duol non celar (Claudio, Poppea)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act I Scene 21: Pur ritorno a rimirarvi (Claudio)
Salomé Haller&Simon Edwards&Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy - Act II Scene 11: Or ben: colui, ch'io cerco (Ford, Slender, Mrs. Ford)
Simon Edwards&Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act I Scene 8: Eh! Mia moglie, compare (Ford, Slender)
Salomé Haller&Hjordis Thébault&Nigel Smith&Raimonds Spogis - Act I Scene 5: Ma parlando sul serio (Mrs. Slender, Mrs. Ford) - Scene 6: Ho capito (Slender, Bardolf, Ford) - Scene 7: Non vedo (Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Slender)
Salomé Haller&Hjordis Thébault&Nigel Smith&Les Chantres de la Chapelle - Act I Scene 1: Ma gia l'alba s'avvicina (Mrs. Ford, Chorus, Mrs. Slender, Slender, Falstaff)
Salomé Haller&Hjordis Thébault&Nigel Smith&Pierre-Yves Pruvot - Act I Scene 1: Viva il comune amico (Mrs. Ford, Slender, Mrs. Slender, Falstaff)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act I Scene 8: Venga pure il cavaliere (Slender)
Simon Edwards&Pierre-Yves Pruvot&Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy - Act II Scene 13: Ah, ch'a idea cosi gradita (Ford, Falstaff) - Scene 14: Dietro quella collina (Slender)
Salomé Haller&Simon Edwards&Nigel Smith&Les Chantres de la Chapelle - Act II Scene 11: Che vedo? (Mrs. Ford, Ford, Slender, Chorus)
Hjordis Thébault&Pierre-Yves Pruvot&Nigel Smith&Les Chantres de la Chapelle - Act II Scene 16: Or tre volte corbellato (Others, Falstaff, Mrs. Slender, Slender, Ford, Mrs. Ford)
Hjordis Thébault&Nigel Smith&Pierre-Yves Pruvot&Les Chantres de la Chapelle - Act II Scene 16: Fate verdi, turchine (Mrs. Ford, Chorus, Falstaff) - Last Scene: Per or non si parte (Slender, Mrs. Slender, Ford, Mrs. Ford, Betty, Chorus)
Salomé Haller&Hjordis Thébault&Nigel Smith&Les Chantres de la Chapelle - Act II Scene 15: Siete gia qui? (Slender, Others, Mrs. Ford, Ford, Mrs. Slender) - Scene 16: Presto presto (Falstaff, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Slender)
Nigel Smith&Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy&Jean-Claude Malgoire - Act II Scene 14: Reca in amor la gelosia (Slender, Eco)
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - III. Iosis, "Je renais"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - II. Leukosis, "O Divin Maître"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - III. Iosis, "Quod est inferius"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - III. Iosis, "In albas columbas transmutantur"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - I. Melanosis, "Pasa fusis kosmou"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - II. Leukosis, "Le Milieu de la Hauteur"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - II. Leukosis, "Ils sont légions"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - I. Melanosis, "En to Pan"
Orchestre National De France&Virginie Pesch&Nigel Smith&Choeur de Radio France&Philip White&Jonathan Darlington - I. Melanosis, "Le signe de la Croix"
Chris Harford&Ray Kubian&Noriko Manabe&Nigel Smith - Jezebel Was a Jersey Belle
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 13, The Burial
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 1, The Creation of the World
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 9, The Leaving of the Cave
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 8, Rabbi Shimon in the Cave
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 11, Shimon bar Yochai and the Angel of Destruction
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 6, Destruction and Exile
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 7, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 3, Lilith
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 12, Rabbi Shimon's Illness
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 10, Shimon bar Yochai and the Angel of Death
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 4, Shechinah
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 5, The Book of Lamentations
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem&Avner Biron&Rona Israel Kolatt&Merav Eldan&Marcel Beekman&Nigel Smith&Amit Ulman - No. 2, The Other Side
Nigel Smith - Tomorrow
Nigel Smith - Christmas Lights
Nigel Smith - Once in Royal Davids City
Nigel Smith - Christmas Morning.
Nigel Smith - Silent Night.
Nigel Smith - Tomorrow
Nigel Smith - Love You So
Nigel Smith - Wilderness
Nigel Smith - Lose My Mind
Nigel Smith - Unspoken
Nigel Smith - Sombrero
Nigel Smith - Nightmare
Nigel Smith - Santa Is Magic!
Nigel Smith - Heemaawaaii!!
Nigel Smith - New Lease of Life
Nigel Smith - The Elephant's Wake
Nigel Smith - A Pirate's Life
Nigel Smith - An Acquired Taste
Nigel Smith - Slacker Love Song
Nigel Smith - Slowboat to Saul