Amy Goldstein
Amy Goldstein&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - Abi Gezunt (So Long As You're Healthy)
Amy Goldstein&Simon Spiro&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - Ikh Vil Es Hern Nokh Amol (I Want to Hear it Again)
Amy Goldstein&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - I Love You Too Much)
Amy Goldstein&Simon Spiro&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - Just One Look at You)
Amy Goldstein&Simon Spiro&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - So Just Tell Me When, Already)
Amy Goldstein&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - Mit dir in eynem (Together with You)
Amy Goldstein&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - Samet und zayd (Velvet and Silk)
Amy Goldstein&Simon Spiro&Vienna Chamber Orchestra&Elli Jaffe - I'm in Love)
Amy Goldstein&Elli Jaffe&Vienna Chamber Orchestra - Tsipke: A Bisl Libe Un A Bisl Glik (A Bit of Love and a Bit of Luck) (arr. P. Henning): Tsipke: A Bisl Libe Un A Bisl Glik (A Bit of Love and a Bit of Luck)
Simon Spiro&Amy Goldstein&Elli Jaffe&Vienna Chamber Orchestra - Der rebe hot geheysn freylekh zayn: In A Kleyn Shtibele (In A Small Cottage) (arr. P. Henning): Der rebe hot geheysn freylekh zayn: In A Kleyn Shtibele (In A Small Cottage)
Amy Goldstein&Elli Jaffe&Vienna Chamber Orchestra - Dos radio meydl (The Radio Girl): Es Tsit, Es Brit (It Tugs, It Burns) (arr. P. Russ): Dos radio meydl (The Radio Girl): Es Tsit, Es Brit (It Tugs, It Burns)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Kindermarchen (Fairy Tales)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Ein Brot (Bread)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Finale: Ver zenen mir (reprise)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Ich mochte gerne... (I'd Like...)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Di eybike trep (Never-ending Stairs)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Theresienstadter Kinderreim (Terezin Nursery Rhyme)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Na swojska nute (An Old Melody)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Shpalt zikh, Himl! (Split Open, Heaven)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Jeu d'enfant (Child's Game)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - The Butterfly
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Eyner aleyn (All Alone)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Bombardiers
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - My Number is 434
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Segen der Nacht (Night Blessing)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Ver zenen mir? (Who Are We?)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Maj 1945 (May 1945)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Shlof mayn kind (Sleep, My Child)
Amy Goldstein&Mary Catherine George&Matthew Walley&Larry Picard - Come to me
Simon Spiro&Amy Goldstein&Elli Jaffe&Vienna Chamber Orchestra - Dos mamele, "Kid Mother": Oyb S'iz Geven Gut Far Mayn Mamen (If It Was Good Enough for My Mother) (arr. P. Russ): Dos mamele, "Kid Mother": Oyb S'iz Geven Gut Far Mayn Mamen (If It Was Good Enough for My Mother)
Amy Goldstein&Simon Spiro&Coro Hebraeico&Neil Levin - Ya ribbon olam (arr. R. Williams)
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - III. Bar'khu
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - XIV. Adon olam
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - X. Yih'yu l'ratzon
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - VI. Mi khamokha
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - XI. An'im z'mirot
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - I. Shir hashirim
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - VIII. Hatzi kaddish
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - XIII. Aleinu
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - VII. V'sham'ru
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - IV. Ahavat olam
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - XII. Kiddush
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - II. L'kha dodi
Amy Goldstein&Douglas Webster&Buffalo Vocal Ensemble&Ramon Ricker Jazz Quintet - IX. Grant Us Peace
Simon Spiro&Amy Goldstein&Coro Hebraeico&Neil Levin - Ya ribbon olam (Arr. R. Williams)
Amy Goldstein&Raphael Frieder&Coro Hebraeico&Neil Levin - Mayn Rue Plats