

Pilz旗下的Progressive Folk三巨头之一,由德国吉他大师Peter Bursch组建,六零年代末开始活跃于莱茵河畔。第一张专辑于1971年8月录制完毕,共包括六首歌,五分多钟的开场曲"Gedanken"几乎囊括了Broselmaschine所有的特征——轻松自然的男女声合唱,大段的ac吉他solo,以及电吉他、贝司、长笛、西塔琴、德国扁琴、塔不拉鼓的点缀(这也可以说是Prog Folk的特点)。接踵而来的是苏格兰民谣风的"Lassie",又是男声女声的混合,辅以完美的吉他和曼陀铃。两分钟的吉他演奏"Gitarrenstuck"过后,一切变得有意思起来。"Schmetterling"在西塔琴的演绎下极具东方意味,几乎是Peter Bursch的个人独奏。全碟在如森林漫步般的"Nossa Bova"中画上了完美的句号。可以说,Broselmaschine的这张同名专辑是德国历史上最好的前卫民谣专辑之一,尽管运用了大量的印度乐器,却依然保持了德国人在旋律上的独特审美。遗憾的是第二年该团就解散了。部分成员前往印度寻找心灵的乌托邦。Peter Bursch和另一位成员则客串加入了更加传奇的Holderlin。 Inspired by the American folk music of Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Phil Ochs and Joni Mitchell, German master of acoustic guitar Peter Bursch formed the first line-up of BROSELMASCHINE back in 1968 alongwith flautist/vocalist Jenni Schucker - a female singer with an irresistible whispy voice - Willi Kissmer on vocals, guitars and zither, Lutz Ringer on metallaphon and bass, and Mike Hellbach on congas, tabla and mellotron. Although many tracks bear German names, almost all are sung in English. The quintet disbanded after a first album in 1971 and Bursch, keeping only guitarist Kissmer from the original line-up, pursued his musical endeavours under the name of PETER BURSCH UND DIE BROSELMASCHINE, joined by percussionist Mani Neumeier (GURU GURU), drummer Jan Fride (KRAAN) and three other musicians. Their eponymous LP is definitely their best: a wonderful acoustic album full of finesse of subtle Indian, Middle-Eastern flavour (sitar, tabla, flute) as well as Irish/Scottish traditional folk (mandolin, multi-voice harmonies). Their second album, released under the moniker PETER BURSCH UND DIE BROSELMASCHINE, unfortunately doesn't even come close to the first. In spite of its decidedly folk flavour and many guest appearances, it is altogether different and less inspired, putting the emphasis on Bursch's acoustic guitar techniques (although Kissmer's electric guitar steals the show at times). For fans of EMTIDI, early HOELDEERLIN or other such cosmic folk bands, the first BROSELMASCHINE album is a breath of fresh air.
