Kenneth Nelson
Kenneth Nelson&Alonzo Bosan&Maurice Ellis&Walter Kent - I Could Get Married Today
Kenneth Nelson&Walter Kent - How Do You Do, Miss Pratt?
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Walter Kent - This Was Just Another Day
Ann Crowley&Kenneth Nelson&Harrison Muller&Dick Kallman&Ellen McCown&Helen Wood&Seventeen Ensemble&Walter Kent - If We Could Only Stop the Old Town Clock
Company&Kenneth Nelson - Reciprocity
Jerry Orbach&Rita Gardner&Kenneth Nelson&William Larsen&Hugh Thomas&Thomas Bruce&George Curley - The Rape Ballet / Happy Ending (Album Version)
Jerry Orbach&Rita Gardner&Kenneth Nelson&William Larsen&Hugh Thomas - Try To Remember (Reprise) (Album Version)
Rita Gardner&Kenneth Nelson&William Larsen&Hugh Thomas - This Plum Is Too Ripe (Album Version)
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - Papa, Won't You Dance With Me?
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - I Still Get Jealous
Kenneth Nelson - Nobody Ever Died For Dear Old Rutgers
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - Nobody Ever Died For Dear Old Rutgers
Kenneth Nelson - I Still Get Jealous
Kenneth Nelson - You're My Girl
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - You're My Girl
Kenneth Nelson - Papa, Won't You Dance With Me?
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - Get Away For A Day In The Country
Kenneth Nelson - Get Away For A Day In The Country
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - There's Nothing Like A Model "T"
Kenneth Nelson - There's Nothing Like A Model "T"
Kenneth Nelson - Can't You Just See Yourself In Love With Me?
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - Can't You Just See Yourself In Love With Me?
Company&Kenneth Nelson - Weatherbee's Drug Store
Kenneth Nelson - "Comfort ye, My People...Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted"
Kenneth Nelson - 2. Air: Ev'ry Valley shall be exalted
Kenneth Nelson - "Love In Her Eyes Sits Playing"
Kenneth Nelson - "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart...Behold and See"
Rita Gardner&Kenneth Nelson - They Were You (Album Version)
Kenneth Nelson&Rita Gardner - Metaphor (Album Version)
Kenneth Nelson&Jerry Orbach - I Can See It (Album Version)
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - On A Sunday By The Sea
Nanette Fabray&Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Phil Silvers - Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, What You Do To Me!
Nanette Fabray&Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Phil Silvers - After All, It's Spring
Company&Kenneth Nelson - Summertime Is Summertime
Kenneth Nelson - I Could Get Married Today
Company&Kenneth Nelson - If We Could Only Stop The Old Town Clock
Company&Kenneth Nelson - Things Are Gonna Hum This Summer
Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Nanette Fabray&Phil Silvers - How Do You Do, Miss Pratt?
Nanette Fabray&Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Phil Silvers - Reciprocity
Nanette Fabray&Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Phil Silvers - If We Could Only Stop The Old Town Clock
Nanette Fabray&Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Phil Silvers - Ode To Lola
Nanette Fabray&Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Phil Silvers - A Headache And A Heartache
Company&Kenneth Nelson - Ode To Lola
Kenneth Nelson - After All, It's Spring
Kenneth Nelson - This Was Just Another Day
Kenneth Nelson - How Do You Do, Miss Pratt?
Nanette Fabray&Kenneth Nelson&Ann Crowley&Phil Silvers - The Hoosier Way
Kenneth Nelson - A Headache And A Heartache
Kenneth Nelson - Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, What You Do To Me!
Kenneth Nelson&Company - The Hoosier Way
Kenneth Nelson&Rita Gardner - They Were You
Rita Gardner&Kenneth Nelson&William Larsen&Hugh Thomas - This Plum Is Too Ripe
Kenneth Nelson&Jerry Orbach - I Can See It
Kenneth Nelson&Rita Gardner - Soon It's Gonna Rain
Kenneth Nelson&Rita Gardner - Metaphor
Kenneth Nelson&Kaye Ballard&Maureen Bailey - I Like the City of New York / Everyone Looks Lonely / I Know Loneliness Quite Well / Where Has the Time Gone? (From "New York Scrapbook")
Kenneth Nelson - They Were You
Kenneth Nelson - I Can See It
Kenneth Nelson - Soon It's Gonna Rain
Hugh Thomas&William Larsen&Rita Gardner&Kenneth Nelson - Happy Ending
Kenneth Nelson&Rita Gardner - Metaphor
Rita Gardner&Kenneth Nelson&William Larsen&Hugh Thomas - The Plum Is Too Ripe
Kenneth Nelson&Rita Gardner - Soon It's Gonna Rain
Kenneth Nelson&Rita Gardner - They Were You
Kenneth Nelson&Jerry Orbach - I Can See It
Great Peacock&Kenneth Nelson - Heavy Load
Great Peacock&Kenneth Nelson - High Wind
Great Peacock&Kenneth Nelson - High Wind