美空云雀(日语:美空 ひばり/みそら ひばり Misora Hibari,1937年5月29日-1989年6月24日),本名加藤和枝(日语:加藤 和枝/かとう かずえ Katō Kazue),是日本女歌手及演员,横滨市出身,为昭和时代歌谣界的代表人物,被誉为「昭和歌姬」「歌谣界的女王」等。1949年时,年仅12岁的美空云雀接连推出两张单曲〈河童ブギウギ〉和〈悲しき笛〉正式出道,以惊人的演唱实力在日本演艺圈崭露头角并走红。演员以及歌手出身的美空云雀在不但在电影界获得广大迴响和成绩,她在乐坛更是缔造许多脍炙人口的经典作品,1950年代中期演艺事业达到巅峰并维持数年。美空云雀在1989年6月因病辞世,享年52岁,直至过世前,她还拖著病体在忙于巡迴演唱会的工作。美空云雀是第一位国民荣誉奖的受奖女性。其唱片专辑总销量在2001年据估计已达8000万张 Hibari Misora (美空 ひばり, Misora Hibari, May 29, 1937 – June 24, 1989) was a Japanese singer, actress and cultural icon. She received a Medal of Honor for her contributions to music and for improving the welfare of the public, and was the first woman to receive the People's Honour Award, which was conferred posthumously for giving the public hope and encouragement after World War II. Misora recorded a total of 1,200 songs and sold 68 million records. After she died, consumer demand for her recordings grew significantly, and, by 2001, she had sold more than 80 million records. By 2019, record sales surpassed 100 million. Her swan-song "Kawa no Nagare no Yō ni" (川の流れのように) is often performed by numerous artists and orchestras as a tribute to her, including notable renditions by The Three Tenors (Spanish/Italian), Teresa Teng (Taiwanese) and Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan (Mexican). Each year there is a special on Japanese television and radio featuring her songs. A memorial concert for Misora was held at the Tokyo Dome on November 11, 2012. It featured numerous musicians such as Ai, Koda Kumi, Ken Hirai, Kiyoshi Hikawa, Exile, AKB48 and Nobuyasu Okabayashi amongst others, paying tribute by singing her most famous songs.