

MarieMarie has the gift of hearing dreams whispered down to her from the tops of wind turbines. These winged steel giants were the main inspiration for the singer, songwriter and harpist to write the title song of her debut album DREAM MACHINE. The poetic songs are like surreal paintings in which everything flows together and changes: nature, man, machine - dream and reality. They create a whirlwind at the centre of which this punk elf with her copper curls attracts everything. Her music, which she calls folktronic pop, is rooted in folk tradition, its antennas pointing towards electropop. The songs are power stations full of energy and emotion, especially on stage, where MarieMarie flutters between her harp and the musicians of her live band like a glowing satellite. She unleashes a veritable thunderstorm of emotions: sometimes soft, sizzling lightning, then thunder in full orchestral force, switching between tension and release - charged with electrogrooves. And there comes a point where everyone in the crowd is moving and MarieMarie spreads out her arms in reverie and spins around like a wind turbine.


