Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "The Professor now has a green skin and a pair of horns – ‘It’s rather odd’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Drinking song"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Sara and her women. Rezia ‘Where have you been, O tall ship of Sidon’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Prelude and scene i Sara’s bedchamber and the adjoining terrace"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Azarius encourages Tobias and tells him what to do"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Tobias places the fragments on the burner"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "The next morning. It is gradually brightening with dawn"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Miss Fothergill laments the loss of Squeg (‘I loved my loved’) "
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Professor Neutron ‘I hope you’ll consider an alternative bidder’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Prelude – The market at Nineveh – Tobias buys his parents"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Knocking – ‘Who is that knocking ’ – enter Azarius"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Narrator describes the entry of Squeg, a Thing"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Professor Neutron and Miss Fothergill ‘Hello Miss Fothergill’ – ‘Hello Professor’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "‘That man has bewitched you’ – Sara becomes Asmoday"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Orchestral introduction; Professor Neutron and Miss Fothergill (‘Science is my Passion’) "
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Narrator describes effect of Squeg on Miss Fothergill (Miss Fothergill ‘I love Squeg’) "
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Professor Neutron broods on the loss of Miss Fothergill to Squeg, plans a lethal potion"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Miss Fothergill returns with her plan to devise a potion to make her look like Squeg"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Azarias ‘Master, we have lingered too long’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Entry of Squag looking Sad. – Miss Fothergill ‘Squeg dear Squeg, lets fly away together’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble&Antony Hopkins&Trevor Anthony&Carolyn Maia&John Ford&Ronald Lewis&Jess Walters&Janet Howe&Richard Golding&Elaine Malbin&Roy Patrick - "Sara and Tobias ‘I was asleep’"