

小简介\r \r Anal Cunt(简称A.C.,不过,你有英汉字典吗?),世界上现存的最臭名昭着的乐队。 乐队成立于1988年,目前成员:Seth Putnam—主唱、吉他、键盘;Josh Martin—吉他;Nate Lineham—鼓。 关于音乐,他们是这么回事: 乐队主唱、今年34岁的Seth Putnam是一个高大强壮、头脑简单的长头发邋遢汉。当他在剑桥接受采访时与记者已经喝了四斤威士忌,他的目的就是喝醉。他在1988年3月成立了A.C.,尽管在此之前他已经在一支硬核乐队中玩了一段时间,他对于A.C.的想法非常简单:A.C.代表了“音乐的末日”——没有标题、没有开头或者结尾、没有旋律、没有节奏、没有Riff、在每一分钟甚至每一秒之间没有关联——只有即兴扭成一团的吉他、贝司、鼓和狂吼,结合死亡金属和硬核朋克中最糟糕的元素。 “我对于A.C.的想法是,它不应有任何与音乐类似的东西”,Putnam说,“所有歌都应该基于一点——它必须是彻底的垃圾,能多快就多快,不要歌词,彻底反音乐。这样才能让人们感到厌烦,我们只要拼命就可以得到所谓歌曲的真谛”。 A.C.忠实地贯彻着他们的艺术观,并因此赢得了世界舞台表演最暴力乐队之一的称号。Putnam以向观众们扔煤渣块、椅子和加重的麦克风而闻名,他们的演出往往最后会被切断电源变成一次黑暗中的血腥斗殴。在密西西比的一次演出中,一个倒霉的家伙甚至被撕掉了耳朵。所以在德国和日本,他们的演出已经被严令禁止。 “我已经完全醉了”,Putnam承认,“不过我并不想自杀,相反,我决定去害别人”。 “A.C.有一个吉他手,不过这个叫Fred的家伙以前是个业余拳击手。我们75%的演出都根本不是音乐,所谓演出就是我和Fred出去把人们暴揍一顿”,Putnam说。 在与Putnam的交谈中,可以搞清的关于A.C.的唯一事实是:他们长大成人过程中喜欢的是那种最快、最响、最重的乐队(最早是Alice Cooper和the Ramones,后来是F.U.'s和Venom),但在成立了A.C.之后,他的想法彻底地转变了,他们需要的只是一个玩笑而已。Putnam说:“我觉得应该有一支新乐队出来摧毁我们所做的一切,然而,没有”。 许多关于A.C.的注意力集中在Putnam的最终目的上,人们总是愿意从一个艺人身上分离出其所代表的艺术性,并加以认真分析。对此,Putnam虽然并不是经常思考这些问题,但他对他的态度做了一个比喻:“就拿同性恋来说吧,虽然我并不恨他们,但我喜欢拿他们取乐”。(当然,A.C.并不只是针对同性恋的,他们的态度几乎针对所有人。) A.C.对于别人称其为艺人甚至乐手都很不情愿,也不承认他们的作品有什么深刻的内在含义,Putnam的所作所为看来只是一支普通的噪音反英雄乐队?也许你认为他们伟大一些?也许你认为A.C.是一支很有趣的乐队?也许也许,不过在讽刺的外衣下面,并不是一个正在傻笑着的、自以为得计的所谓艺术家。 一个乐迷曾说:“Anal Cunt在为歌取名方面他们很擅长,但如果他们愿意,他们也可以好好地演奏一首歌,比如他们翻唱Manowar的“Gloves of Metal”和Pantera的“The Great Southern Trendkill”时已经证明了这一点。Anal Cunt比Kiss更有天份,至少他们不会愚弄歌迷,假装自己是很特别的神秘人物”。 金属有着最为繁多的种类,Anal Cunt小胜那些恼人的新乐队——至少是更幽默;同时,也远离了Grindcore和Death Metal的正规军。 实际上Anal Cunt是今天纯噪音金属的最适当的代言人。\r \r One of the most offensive and musically challenging bands to ever produce music, A.C. are one of the most infamous bands in the heavy metal underworld. Most famous for their name (the A.C. stands for Anal Cunt, believed to be taken from a G.G. Allin song), the band writes short grindcore songs that contain some of the nastiest song titles in music. "The Word Homophobic Is Gay" and "I Like Drugs and Child Abuse" are two of the tamer examples of what the band is capable of. Their mystique is that they never let their audience in on whether it is a joke or not, many believe it is an elaborate gag being played on homophobic metal fans, while others think the band really believes what they say. Seeing as members of the band reportedly have very normal family lives outside of the band, the former is probably more true than the latter. The group began in 1988 as a sonic experiment. Vocalist Seth Putnam, guitarist Mike Mahan and drummer Tim Morse began with the idea of being the "most non-musical band in the world." Their whirlwind grindcore blasts would do little to argue the success of that idea, as they managed to release demo after demo of fast-paced songs, most of them never lasting more than ten or twenty seconds. In 1991, Mahan left the group, replaced by Fred Ordonez, and they recorded several more EPs as well as a split single with the Meatsh*ts. Ordonez did not last long, as he left the band the next year, replaced by John Kozik. This new lineup signed with Earache, a label that had been courting them since their first few demos. They released Morbid Florist the same year, and found themselves met with an enthusiasm in the underground metal scene that they never expected. Ordonez came back as a second guitarist, and Everyone Should Be Killed was released the next year. Their sound was slowly beginning to become more punk influenced, which brought their appeal out to a larger audience. Ordonez was gone again by the end of the year, and Paul Kraynak became his replacement. This lineup recorded Top 40 Hits and their infamous Oi! version of the Bee Gees' "Stayin' Alive." This proved to be their biggest breakthrough as they were embraced by the punk scene for their outrageous lyrics and actions. They also began to brew up some serious controversy as they admitted that Screwdriver and Vaginal Jesus, two racist hardcore bands, were their main point of reference with the Bee Gees cover. They even performed shows with the latter, bringing serious heat from many of their fanzine supporters. National publications like Metal Maniacs refused to interview them or review their albums, and even Earache began pulling their support away. In this environment they released 40 More Reasons to Hate Us in 1996. Kraynak jumped ship and was replaced by Scott Hull, who promptly left the band after recording the album. Even drummer Tim Morse left the band, but Putnam put together another lineup for a tour with Incantation and the albums I Like It When You Die and the acoustic Picnic of Love. This lineup consisted of guitarist Josh Martin and drummer Nate Linehan, and managed to last through the next album, 1997's It Just Gets Worse. Only two years later, Linehan was gone, replaced by John Gillis, and the band was dropped from Earache. The label had many distribution problems with the band's name, and with song titles like "Limp Bizkit Thinks They're Black, but They're Really Just Gay," there were few chain stores willing to carry their albums. They label-hopped for a few singles, letting Ng Records release the only album from this transitional period, The Early Years: 1988-1991. The album was comprised of countless songs from all their demos and singles from before Morbid Florist, and kept fans busy until Defenders of the Hate was released in 2001 on Menace to Sobriety Records.\r

