The trip began on a mid-summer day of 2008 when the party started collecting experiences and ideas which they are continuously filtering reaching to today’s shape; finding Phase delivering this tight alloy of music, which the press tends to call psychedelic / alternative / progressive rock. Apart from their own, on and off their country's borders, unquestionably successful shows, they’ve played in concerts and festivals on the side of contemporary, established artists close to their idiom like Danny Cavanagh (Anathema), Anneke Van Griesbergen (The Gathering), Sivert Hoyem (Madrugada), Jeff Martin (The Tea Party) and numerous others. In the beginning of 2010 their digital single “Perdition” was selected to participate in Microsoft’s “Playlist Seven” while worth of mentioning is their debuting entrance on Billboard's charts on summer of 2012, as one of the fastest rising artists, as well as Duncan Patterson's (Anathema, Antimatter) involvement in their “In Consequence”; a dark, rolling, mysterious album where rock music meets folk and industrial sounds. Phase released their earnest effort “the Wait” on April 19th 2014, and it's featuring their signature insightful lyrics that are describing the human condition and the social reality in their own unique dark ironic way and all that is complimented by a brilliant work of art seen on its cover created by the artistic genius of the one and only Alexis Marcou.Turn off your mind and relax tripping among Phase’s frequencies