Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Liebes Weibchen, reiche Wein! (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Ich gebe Gasterein, mit Liedern und mit Tänzen (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Wird Nachtigall wohl trauern (Abu Hassan)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen&Erich Witte - Ich such und such in allen Ecken (Abu Hassan)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Michael Bohnen&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Erich Witte - Hier liegt, welch martervolles Los (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Suse, liebe Suse, was raschelt im Stroh (Abu Hassan)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Vittorio Tatozzi - All´erta! all´erta (Il Trovatore)
Antonio Manca Serra&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin - Tutto è deserto - Il balen del suo sorriso (Il Trovatore)
Stella Roman&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Anna Maria Marcangeli - Che più t´arresti - Tacea la notte placida (Il Trovatore)
Antonio Manca Serra&Stella Roman&Sylvia Sawyer&Anna Maria Marcangeli&Gino Sarri&Vittorio Tatozzi&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin - Ah, se l´error t´ingombra (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Nino Mazziotti - Vedi! Le fosche notturne spoglie (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin - Or co´ dadi, ma fra poco giocherem ben altro gioco! (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Sylvia Sawyer&Gino Sarri - Non son tuo figlio? (Il Trovatore)
Antonio Manca Serra&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin - In braccio al mio rival! (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Sylvia Sawyer - Stride la vampa! (Il Trovatore)
Stella Roman&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin - Quale d´armi fragor poc´anzi intesi? (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Gino Sarri - Ah si, ben mio, coll´essere (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Gino Sarri - Di quella pira l´orrendo foco (Il Trovatore)
Stella Roman&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin - Siam giunti - D´amor sull´ali rosee (Il Trovatore)
Stella Roman&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Gino Sarri - Miserere (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Sylvia Sawyer&Gino Sarri - Soli or siamo! (Il Trovatore)
Antonio Manca Serra&Stella Roman&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin - Udiste? - Qual voce! (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Vittorio Tatozzi - Di due figli vivea, padre beato (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Sylvia Sawyer&Gino Sarri - Madre, non dormi? (Il Trovatore)
Antonio Manca Serra&Stella Roman&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Gino Sarri - Non m´inganno (Il Trovatore)
Antonio Manca Serra&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Sylvia Sawyer&Gino Sarri - Ciel, non m´inganno (Il Trovatore)
Antonio Manca Serra&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Gino Sarri - Tace la notte! (Il Trovatore)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen&Erich Witte - Siehst du diese grosse Menge (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Geld! Geld! Geld! (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Tränen sollst du nicht vergiessen (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Brüderchen, komm tanz mit mir (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Michael Bohnen&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - Heil ist dem Haus beschieden (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Michael Bohnen&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - Ouvertüre (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Michael Bohnen&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - Ängstlich klopft es mir im Herz (Abu Hassan)
Erich Witte&Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Berlin&Elisabeth Schwarzkopf&Michael Bohnen - Der kleine Sandmann bin ich - Abends will ich schlafen geh´n (Abu Hassan)