Miriam Allan
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: I. Prologue: O for a Muse of fire (William Shakespeare)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: II. What Women Want: A Wonder: The Wife
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: V. Main Dance: Sinfonia a 6 (Cristoforo Malvezzi)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VIII. Live and Let Die: The Second Witches Dance (Robert Johnson)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: II. What Women Want: A Wonder: The Marryed Man
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VI. Virginity or Leading Apes in Hell: A Wonder: The Maide
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: V. Main Dance: When Griping Grief (Richard Edwards)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VII. Revels: I long for thy virginitie (Anonymous)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VI. Virginity or Leading Apes in Hell: The Fairey Masque (Anonymous)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VII. Revels: I can not keepe my wyfe at howme (Anonymous)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: II. What Women Want: The First of the Lords (William Brade)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VI. Virginity or Leading Apes in Hell: A Wonder: The Bachelor
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VII. Revels: Symphony of Bird Calls (Matthew Locke)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: V. Main Dance: Sarabande (Jean Le Felle)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: II. What Women Want: Twenty waies vpon the bels (Robert Johnson)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: V. Main Dance: La paduana del re (Anonymous)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: VIII. Live and Let Die: A Wonder: The Widow
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: I. Prologue: The Furies (Anonymous)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: III. Entry Dance: Mascharad der Edel Frauen (William Brade)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: IV: At the Market: Nutmegs and Ginger: Nutmegs and Ginger (Anonymous)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: X. Banquet: Parsons Farewell (John Playford)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: V. Main Dance: Ay, but thou talk'st (William Shakespeare)
Miriam Allan - The Wonders of the World: IV: At the Market: Nutmegs and Ginger: Home Again, Market is Done - Fine Knacks for Ladies (John Dowland)
Hanoverian Court Orchestra&David Allsopp&Miriam Allan - Love, to Achsah, blooming maid (Duet Othniel and Achsah from the Oratorio Joshua)
Miriam Allan&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Mark LeBrocq&Jürgen Budday - O dearer than my life, forbear (Duet Nitocris and Belshazzar from the Oratorio Belshazzar)
David Allsopp&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Jürgen Budday&Miriam Allan - Othniel's and Achsah's Love (Recitative and Duet Othniel and Achsah from the Oratorio Joshua)
Jürgen Budday&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Miriam Allan&David Allsopp - O peerless maid (Duet Othniel and Achsah from the Oratorio Joshua)
Miriam Allan&David Allsopp&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Jürgen Budday - Tis Achsah's voice (Duet Othniel and Achsah from the Oratorio Joshua)
Miriam Allan&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Jürgen Budday - Tis the linnet (Air of Achsah from the Oratorio Joshua)
Miriam Allan - XV. Recitative - "Indulgent Heav'n Hath Heard My Virgin Pray'r" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan&David Allsopp - XXII. Duet - "Our Limpid Streams with Freedom Flow" (Achsah & Othniel)
Miriam Allan - VI. Air - "Oh! Who Can Tell!" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan&David Allsopp - XVIII. Accompagnato - "In These Bless'd Scenes" (Othniel) - "O Othniel" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan - XIV. Accompagnato - "Leader of Israel, 'tis the Lord's Decree" (Angel)
Miriam Allan - XX. Air - "Hark, 'Tis the Linnet and the Thrush" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan&Mark le Brocq - XIII. Recitative - "Joshua, I Come Commission'd from on High" (Angel) - "Low on the Earth" (Joshua)
Miriam Allan - II. Air - "Happy, Oh, Trice Happy We" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan&David Allsopp&James Rutherford - XI. Recitative - "Welcome! My Son, My Othniel, Good and Great!" (Caleb, Othniel & Achsah)
Miriam Allan - V. Recitative - "Matrons and Virgins, with Unwearied Pray'r" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan&David Allsopp - XIX. Recitative - "'Tis Achsah's Voice" (Othniel) - "But See!" (Achsah) - "Hail! Lovely Virgin of This Blissful Bow'r" (Othniel)
Miriam Allan - VI. Air - "To Vanity and Earthly Pride" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan - XII. Air - "Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre" (Achsah)
Miriam Allan&David Allsopp - XIV. Duet - "O Peerless Maid, with Beauty Blest" (Othniel & Achsah)
Miriam Allan - XVI. Air - "As Cheers the Sun the Tender Flow'r" (Achsah)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell (Air. Tenor) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Amen (Chorus) - Messiah - Part III (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - And suddenly there was with the angel (Accompagnato. Soprano) - Messiah - Part I (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - How beautiful are the feet of them (Air. Soprano) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Let us break their bonds asunder (Chorus) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them (Accompagnato. Soprano) - Messiah - Part I (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Their sound is gone out into all the lands (Chorus) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - O death, where is thy sting? (Duet. Alto, Tenor) - Messiah - Part III (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - And with His stripes we are healed (Chorus) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - If God be for us (Air. Soprano) - Messiah - Part III (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (Air. Tenor) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus) - Messiah - Part III (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - He was cut off out of the land of the living (Accompagnato. Tenor) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Hallelujah (Chorus) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - All they see Him laugh (Accompagnato. Tenor) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - He was despised and rejected of men (Air. Mezzo-soprano)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - I know that my Redeemer liveth (Air. Soprano) - Messiah - Part III (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - But thanks be to God (Chorus) - Messiah - Part III (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - And He shall purify the sons of Levi (Chorus) - Messiah - Part I (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Lift up your heads, O ye gates. Who is this King of Glory? (Chorus) - Messiah - Part II (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - Symphony
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light (Chorus) - Messiah - Part I (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - For unto us a child is born (Chorus) - Messiah - Part I (Handel)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir&Hanoverian Court Orchestra&Juergen Budday&Miriam Allan&Michael Chance&Mark LeBrocq&Christopher Purves - But who may abide the day of His coming (Air. Alto) - Messiah - Part I (Handel)