小简介 Sick boy is organisor of the nationwide Poptrash party which started at the infamous Melkweg venue in Amsterdam and has spread out to 3 different venues in Holland in Rotterdam (waterfront), Mezz (Breda) and Arnhem (nieuwe Luxor). He is also one one of the organisers and Residents of the F**k Yeah party at the well known Club 8 venue. In 2007 He had a stage at one of the biggest Dance festivals in Holland called Dance Valley where programmed and spinned with Steve Aoki, John B and many others. Sick boy still used the monniker smithee at this point and also organised the Trashcom party at another venue in Amsterdam called Bitterzoet which sold out 4 out of the 6 times the party was organised! Sick boy played with lots of amazing artists in the last two and a half years like Justice, Mstrkrft, Guns n bombs, Goose, Infadels, Princess superstar, Punks jump up, Joost van bellen, Adam Sky, Blake Miller of moving units and lies in disguise with whom he worked on a Justice's DANCE song which got blogspace all over the world and Steve Aoki with whom he did a few shows in Holland and outside of his native country. Sick Boy also played and booked lots of well known national acts like Krause, Aux Raus, Melomanics and others.Last year was also a big highlight tourring wise. His first shows in the states namely LA and San Fransisco and later in the New york area. Which continued this year with among others dj spots at SXWX in austin! SB started remixing and editing song in 2007 his first remix was a nine inch nails song and when Blake Miller of moving units fame came over for some shows they worked on DANCE by Justice which was blogged all over the place. Since then he has remixed and reworked song by Boys Noise, Does it offend you yeah?, Crookers and Kid Kudi, Junkie XL, Trash yourself, Matik and Minus Plus which got released on Dutch label Blacklabel records and others got on blogs like big stereo, noiseporn, vogelspand and lots and lots others!!! 2008 is the year of his own records and more remixing. Automatic Panic and Dj Cat from New york are collaborators on a Ep which is gonna be released online and theres also a full lenght coming out with collaborations from dutch artists like Krause, Matik, Melomanics, Krause, Aux Raus and international names as well which is gonna be released on Blacklabel records