美国死亡金属乐队,成立于2010年。 Terminate was formed in late 2009 by guitarist/vocalist John Porada and drummer Jim Smith. After releasing a successful demo in early 2011, our lineup was completed with Tom Cardella on guitar and Alfred Mullé on bass. Consisting of veterans of the Chicago metal scene as well as the New York metal scene, the band has quickly made a name for itself, catching the attention of not only our home city of Chicago, but also a core of underground fans across the world. The mission of the band is simple; to play death metal the way it was meant to be played. Taking inuence from death metal stalwarts Bolt Thrower and Autopsy, while maintaining a melodic sensibility akin to Swedish greats Dismember and Entombed is what denes our sound. Band Members John Porada - Guitar/Vocals, Tom Cardella - Guitar, Alfred Mulle - Bass, Jim Smith - Drums