The Kick
For the past months The Kick has been hiding out in the studio working on new material to follow up the 2009 debut album 'Metal Heart'. A new single is planned for release later this winter, but in the meantime David decided to give away some previously unreleased material for free. So how did this come about?"I had a couple of songs that didn't make it on to the first record, mainly because they didn't fit the mood of the album. When I started working on new material I felt that I wanted to take the music in a new direction. I pushed the song writing and instrumentation into different areas and some of the first things I came up with reminded me of those couple of songs that never got properly recorded or released."So why isn't this the second album by The Kick?"As the writing progressed I felt this wasn't the direction I wanted to take. At the same time the songs were to good to just throw away, so the label and I decided to release them for free. It's a good marker for where my creativity and inspiration was at for a certain period.""There is a sort of eeriness to the songs. The sensation of walking through a public building in the middle of the night when it's completely empty. Maybe it's the fact that these songs were left off or created in between records. As in a glitch in time, lost in oblivion. If you were the last person on earth it would probably be the perfect soundtrack. I also like the fact that the recording was very quick. I just locked myself in the studio for a week and it was done."