

Born in the Netherlands on the 4th of October 1994, Jordin Post (better known as Juventa) is probably one of the\r youngest upcoming talents out there. He has been producing since he was seven, but just recently started to make\r some real progress in his career as a producer. Inspired by the electronic music he had been hearing for several\r years, he began producing music in 2000. Since then his techniques grew rapidly, learning most by himself. Though\r he hasn't stopped developing yet, he has already managed to create his own recognizable style and sound, which can\r be defined as a blend of Uplifting and Progressive Trance. Being airplayed with his track Sapphire at both TATW and \r FSOE, Juventa attracts some of the bigger labels, such as Infrasonic Recordings. With several releases coming soon, \r there will be many more for sure...
