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Ras Kass

原名John Austin的Ras Kass出生在西海岸的California,他将一位非洲法老的名字Ras Kass作为自己的艺名,从小热爱阅读的他,有着出众的语言功底,因而他的歌词总是那么富有思想性。他是因为他和The Game的斗殴事件(比The Game矮一头的他狠狠的教训了The Game)。但别以为他只是靠这些负面新闻赚人气的明星,他的freestyle也一直为人所津津乐道,再加上奇特的慢拍BEAT,他形成了自己的风格。但一直游离于地下的他并没有受到主流的过多关注,虽然出过几张不错的专辑,但一直没有大红大紫,他似乎也没有迎合主流之意,依旧我行我素。\r \r Rapper Ras Kass was born John Austin in Watts, CA; a voracious reader throughout his youth, he adopted his stage name in honor of the African king Ras Rass. After releasing a pair of independent singles, Ras Kass emerged as one of the most highly regarded new rappers in some time, winning particular acclaim for his skills as a lyricist (in the space of six months, he twice earned Rap Pages magazine's Rhyme of the Month award as well as The Source's Hip Hop Quotable honor); his long-awaited debut LP, Soul on Ice, finally appeared on Priority Records in 1996. Rasassination followed two years later.
