DENORMAL is a new band from the south of Sweden with the members Jimmy Sterner and Per Broberg. The album "Detached" is the debutalbum and consists of ten strong songs. The music is somewhat dark electronic with influences from bands like NiN, DM, Skinny Puppy. Both Jimmy and Per has been making music since the 80:s in different bands and under different aliases in a wide variery of genres. Some of Jimmys former projects include Simon Gag and the recordlabel Candycane Exploitations, some of Per's are Dawn of Oblivion and Mononot. Though Jimmy and Per known eachother for +20 years this is the first time they've actually worked together, though there has been a couple of remixes of eachothers projects. The release of the album is planned for september 2013 along with visuals and live performances. The first single "Fallen" taken from the album will be released on the 1:st of July.