Behind the Project “Ianuaria” is Josef Hofinger based in Austria.\r \r I started treading my musical path at the age of 6, taking drum lessons at music school for 11 years, and during that time, i played in various kinds of bands and ensembles.In 1996 i started djing Psytrance and, caught by the fever, i started to produce my first own tunes in 2002.\r \r My first album "Da capo al fine" (Hardboiled Records, 2007) brought me international credit and also some single track releases on Glowing Flame Records and various other labels.\r \r Now i am signed with Blue Hour Sounds Records (http//www.bluehoursounds.com), and after a successful, digital EP release (The full spectrum EP´s), I am ready to present my second album "Beware of the fish" in 2011.\r \r It is all about music .I describe my music as experimental psychedelic twisted, and took alot of inspiration from the oldscool sounds of the early 90´s like Koxbox,Psychopod, X-Dream, Hallucinogen, TIP, Parasense, Slinky Wizard, Etnica, Doof,MWNN, Elysium, Prana, Hux Flux, old Rastaliens, Total Eclipse,old Xenomorph, Logic Bomb and many more......