小简介\r \r Ghorwane是莫桑比克的一支乐队,它的名字取自一个湖的名字,这个湖即使在非洲炎热干燥的旱季也不会干枯。乐队运用小号,吉他,鼓和强有力的和声来演绎地方民间的传统韵律节奏。乐队的SAX手Jose "Zeca" Alage于93年在街头被人杀害,原因仅是有人要抢他新买的鞋子,这也可以反映了莫桑比克的一个社会侧面。\r \r Ghorwane is a Mozambican marrabenta band. It was founded in 1983. The band got its name after the lake of the same name in the province of Gaza. Their style is a combination of traditional Mozambique music, Afropop, and fusion. Ghorwane's music is sung in local languages, including Shangaan. The band's composer and saxophonist, Jose "Zeca" Alage, was murdered in 1993. Their 2005 album VANA VA NDOTA was dedicated to Zeca Alage (1959-1993) and Pedro Langa (1959-2001)\r \r Later that same year, Ghorwane started a music co-operative, the first of its kind in Mozambique, with the intention of promoting Mozambican music, improving working conditions for local musicians and protecting composers rights\r