

17岁第一次尝试制作的电子单曲就获得了SONY ACIDplanet的获胜者,环球唱片称赞其前途无量。在澳洲的Conservatorium of Music大学完成music technology课程,有着1/4中国血统的R3在上海开始了他制作人/DJ/派对组织者多重身份的生活。与一系列大牌ratatat,Bang Gang Deejays,Coldcut,The Toxic Avenger,classixx,drop the lime,DJ spooky还有Busy P同台演出,R3晋升为摩登天空ZOO电子音乐节国内压轴DJ。 不同于其他DJ在台上严肃地“操作”音乐,R3热衷于将自己抛掷于疯狂的人群之中,充满激情,不知疲惫地与观众互动,他独到的混音技术将现场带入一次又一次的骚乱。R3不只是众多DJ们中的“另一个”,他真正知道如何让一场派对high起来。 R3 is a DJ / Producer /Promoter (S.T.D.) / Club Owner (Arkham and Arcade) based in Shanghai, China. Over the past five years, Shanghai has been at the centre of a brooding and building underground music culture that is pushing boundaries not only domestically but internationally. R3 not only started this,he is the epicenter of this amazing movement. His production finds a place between electronic and acoustic realms that are reminiscent of a film score or a dark brooding night. Within these moments are shimmers of light and leaves the listener wanting more than just a fragrance. A story told through the scapes of melodies, sounds and rhythm.

