比利时thrash先驱团体Cyclone,成立于1981年,在地下潜伏了几年,出过一些demo、split,直到1986年方才推出首张全长,强硬的唱腔与粗糙的音色,有来自于欧洲原始粗糙派heavy、speed的影响,也有德国乐队的邪恶犀利,同时,不少地方还玩得颇有metallica exodus slayer 等湾区巨头的风采。1990年推出第二张专辑,这时他们的音乐变得更加成熟,堪称经典thrash作品。虽然他们并未获得世界性声誉,但这仅有的两张全长专辑却为他们在本国确定了不可取代的地位,即使在欧洲thrash界也占有一席之地,而乐队当年的精彩表现也足以令后辈赞扬。 by Eduardo Rivadavia An obscure speed metal act from the Belgian town of Vilvoorde, Cyclone (originally known as Centurion) initially parlayed the warm fan reception to their 1985 "In the Grip of Evil" demo into a two-track appearance on Roadrunner's Metal Race compilation, then signed with the fledgling label for the release of their 1986 L.P. Brutal Destruction. The band's lineup of vocalist Guido Gevels, guitarists Stefan Daamen, Pascal Van Lint and Johnny Kerbush and drummer Nicholas Lairin soon splintered, but Cyclone recruited replacements D. Kapelle (guitar), G. Vanoverloop (bass) and G. Langhendries (drums) and hobbled along for a few more years until 1990's much improved (but still somewhat deluded of title) Inferior to None album signaled the end of their brief existence.