

by Andy KellmanSome of Triola's material bears the unmistakable melodies and countermelodies of the Modernist, which makes perfect sense since both "artists" are guises of J. Burger, one of the leading lights of Cologne techno. Burger, who has also operated with Mike Ink (Wolfgang Voigt) as Burger/Ink and Sculpture, rolled out a pair of compilation appearances as Triola in 2001. Kompakt's Pop Ambient 2002 featured one of Burger's finest ambient pieces to date, and Leichtes Hören's Teil 1 included another that fell in line with his work as Geometric Farms and the Modernist. A full-length album, Triola im Fünftonraum, materialized on Kompakt in late 2004. It's not without reason that Burger uses so many aliases, given the variations between his productions through each of them.
