The KVB are Klaus Von Barrel and Kat Day, a hugely prolific duo who eschew thoughts of sync bait or best new music columns in favour of the next gig and the next record. Having made some notable appearances on the Downwards label, the pair makes a further illustrious step up with Immaterial Visions, a collection of music released on the Minimal Wave sub label Cititrax. Veronica Vasicka has been a staunch champion of their music of late, regularly slipping The KVB tracks into her weekly EVR show so it makes for little surprise that she’d look to put out their music on Cititrax. The subsequent eight tracks make for the boldest, most confident statement thus far from The KVB, demonstrating their palette reaches beyond the shoegaze tag they are regularly adorned with in the music press. The previously released “Dayzed” and “Old Lines” in particular are superb. – Source: Juno “We wanted to take a different approach on this mix to others we have put together recently, which is why we especially recorded the intro, outro and interlude tracks, to give this mix a more unique feel and flow. We’ve deliberately chosen recent tracks (with the exception of Sandra Play Electronics, recorded in 1988, but released in 2013) to give an idea of who we are currently listening to. Also, we’ve included a special treat; the debut of the first version of a track recorded in collaboration with Shifted, called ‘Torn from Two Sides” – The KVB