

老莫 ILL MO是一名饒舌歌手,自2002開始創作,隸屬人稱「學院派始祖」的饒舌團體參劈。參劈於2004年發行台灣第一張地下混音帶《聽說》,後於2008年在本色音樂/滾石唱片發行團體首張專輯《押韻的開始》,以及2021年獨立發行睽違13年的回歸作《押韻的繼續》。 個人作品方面,老莫曾與金曲最佳新人壞特?te共同創作〈女士優先〉,與Matt Hsu合作的單曲〈就當家裡〉獲澳洲QMA音樂獎肯定,近期更有與已故詩人陳奇雲的跨界合作〈你把靈魂弄哪兒去啦〉。 老莫的個人首張專輯「生成 BECOMING」在2021年發行,合作對象包括阿爆、壞特、Jony J等人,陣容堅強,為該年度台灣最佳嘻哈專輯之一。 此外,老莫目前為致理科技大學應用英語系助理教授,長期擔任各大專院校及高中的嘻研社指導老師與客座講師,開設線上饒舌課程,同時替各音樂媒體撰寫音樂文字,並擔任電視節目《大嘻哈時代》的海選評審與踢館魔王。 ILL MO, real name Kang-Sheng Mo, has a Ph.D. in English Literature from Tamkang University and teaches English in Chihlee University as an Assistant Professor. More importantly, he is a member of the rap trio TriPoets and a hip hop writer/curator, who has been in the field of Mandarin rap for almost two decades. The TriPoets is a veteran rap group from northern Taiwan who had independently released the first rap mixtape in Taiwan named "Listen and Speak" in 2004, an official album "The Beginning of Rhymes" (Rock Records) in 2008, and the first book about local rap scene in Taiwan "Da Project: TriPoets" (Studio E-Ban) in the same year. After that, ILL MO founded a hip hop duo named Revival and released its critically acclaimed mixtape with the same name in 2012, and the duo released their album "Portrayal" (Asia Records) in 2014. ILL MO is respected for paving the way for the younger generation by developing rhyming skills in Mandarin as the one of the first “Academic Rappers.” The contribution he has made in the past cannot be overlooked; moreover, he ages gracefully as he started to pay more attention to social issues in his lyrics. For example, “Boom Bap With Conscious” in 2019 stood as the manifestation of an OG’s wisdom mixed with a gritty, hard-knocking boom bap beat. “Lady First” was his latest single, and it had been listed in numerous playlists and generated over 200k plays. It is considered as one of the best hip hop singles in Taiwan by far in year 2020. ILL MO's debut album BECOMING was released in 2021, which was one of the strongest Mandarin hip hop releases of the year.
